Security will always first!
Reliability, safety and performance in time-critical rescue operations. REHOBOTS' rescue programme is proven to save lives worldwide.
Rescue kit with pedal cutter EHR102A
Hydraulic hand pump PHS-R
Hand-operated combi tool HKS
Rescue equipment - Safety comes first always first!
Rescue tools from REHOBOT is the result of many years of experience in high pressure hydraulics. Close co-operation between fire and rescue services and REHOBOT has led to a wide range of high-quality and high-performance rescue tools. We have solutions for virtually every rescue and disaster situation.
Hand-operated tools - Our hand-held rescue tools are compact and lightweight. They are therefore easy to carry and use.
Manual tools - Manual tools are preferred in a variety of contexts, such as road accidents or natural disasters such as earthquakes and floods - situations where motorised rescue tools cannot be used for practical reasons.
Many of our customers also use these tools as spare equipment and as a complement to power tools. The built-in pump design allows the hand-held tools to be used immediately, without any preparation. This allows for a quick rescue operation at the accident site or in the disaster area.
Motorised tools - Power tools from REHOBOT Hydraulics are powerful and reliable performers that you can always rely on. With many years of experience in hydraulic motorised rescue tools, we have the expertise to help you find the right solution.
Specialised solutions - Sometimes standard rescue products do not fulfil the specific requirements of the user. If this is the case, a modified standard product may be the solution.
When standard products are not enough, it is fortunate that REHOBOT has a long experience of conducting customer-oriented development projects.
Please contact us to discuss your specific application.
The equipment is used, among other things, for
- Clip - Cutting tools with different drive systems
- Spreaders - Tools that press apart doors and similar
- Fuse - Supports for securing during rescue operations
- Lifting - Jacks and lifting devices
- Clamp - Pipe clamps to stop the flow in pipes